Algae for the climate

What we are researching


Like most plants, algae perform photosynthesis in order to grow. They convert sunlight and carbon dioxide into oxygen and sugars. Since algae can, under the right conditions, multiply exponentially in a very small space, the amount of carbon sequestered per area is, however, many times higher. This makes algae the perfect weapon against climate change!

1 ton of algae capture about 1.8 tons of CO2 while growing.
Based on this we work in two areas:

Capture & Store

The obtained biomass can be stored permanently (e.g. in the soil), so that the carbon has been removed from the atmosphere forever.

Reutilize & substitute

The obtained biomass can be used to manufacture products that in turn substitute fossil fuels. We are thinking here, for example, of a wide variety of biofuels. If these are burned, the carbon bound in the algae is no longer permanently stored, but the resulting fuel is CO2-neutral!

Capture & Store

The obtained biomass can be stored permanently (e.g. in the soil), so that the carbon has been removed from the atmosphere forever.

Reutilize & substitute

The obtained biomass can be used to manufacture products that in turn substitute fossil fuels. We are thinking here, for example, of a wide variety of biofuels. If these are burned, the carbon bound in the algae is no longer permanently stored, but the resulting fuel is CO2-neutral!

Potential products

  • CO2 certificates
  • Building materials

Potential products

  • Biodiesel
  • Bioethanol
  • Biomethane
  • Green hydrogen

Capture & Store

The obtained biomass can be stored permanently (e.g. in the soil), so that the carbon has been removed from the atmosphere forever.

Reutilize & substitute

The obtained biomass can be used to manufacture products that in turn substitute fossil fuels. We are thinking here, for example, of a wide variety of biofuels. If these are burned, the carbon bound in the algae is no longer permanently stored, but the resulting fuel is CO2-neutral!

Potential products

  • CO2 certificate
  • Building materials

Potential products

  • Biodiesel
  • Bioethanol
  • Biomethane
  • Green hydrogen
Are you interested in such products? Do you have a good idea that you would like to work with us on? Send us an e-mail to or contact us via the form.

Are you interested in such products? Do you have a good idea that you would like to work with us on? Send us an e-mail to or contact us via the form.